
The STORY project aims to improve the accessibility and quality of international placements and to increase the awareness regarding the existence of such opportunities for youth. This will happened through a research on the issue and an online platform, in order to enhance students' international opportunities on the European job market.

STORY means Strengthening the Training Opportunities for International Youth and aims to improve the accessibility and quality of international placements and to increase the awareness regarding the existence of such opportunities for young graduates.

Therefore, STORY main goals/objectives are related to

  • quality of learning mobility with focus on ERASMUS study mobility
  • quality of placements and internships including ERASMUS placements and Leonardo Da Vinci.

In order to achieve these goals the STORY project:

  • Will analyse the impact and quality of training mobility programmes and survey obstacles and expectations observed by the main actors involved in training mobility (Students, HEIs, NAs and Hosting Companies/Organisations) .
  • Will disseminate different supporting information, create awareness and provide guidance and information via the project website.
  • Will contribute with an online platform that will provide an integrated market place that allows bringing together training providers and individuals seeking a training opportunity abroad.


This project is funded under the Lifelong Learning Program to address the following EU policy priorities and objectives:

  • To increase number of students experiencing a training period abroad.
  • To raise awareness among the relevant target groups and the general public on the importance of the European cooperation in the field of higher.
  • To improve and make training mobility opportunities more accessible.
  • To reach a substantial part of the students coping with problems like recognition of training mobility by investigating the perspectives, perceptions and expectations of the four main actors.
  • To foster the relation between the different actors of training mobility by providing them an online communication and networking tool.


Campus Europae
CHE Consult
EAEC-European Association of Erasmus Coordinators
Study Portals
UNICA - Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe
Europemobility Network


The STORY project aims to improve the accessibility and quality of international traineeships and to increase the awareness regarding the existence of such opportunities for young graduates.

Therefore, the STORY research main focus is related to the quality of study and training mobility. The STORY research analyses the impact and quality of study and training mobility programmes and surveys obstacles and expectations as perceived by the main actors of student and training mobility: students, Higher Education Institutions, National Agencies and receiving companies/organisations.

For this research were used online surveys that were accessible in this website. The dissemination of individual questionnaires was streamlined according to the respective target group. STORY research team analysed the data colleted and two publications based on the analysis were created as main outcomes:

Check them to know more about the numbers and recommendations regarding studying abroad and international traineeships!

Besides, in the framework of STORY, the 4th edition of the Student guidebook was produced. Check it to know the different opportunities to go abroad and the rights and obligations as an Erasmus student.


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    Press Release: Launch of

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  • Press Release: STORY Final Conference

    Press Release: STORY Final Conference

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  • Press Release: platform launch at the STORY Final conference

    Press Release: platform launch at the STORY Final conference

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